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Yumi's Cells [Official]
Ep. 429 - Ruby Signing Off 4
Ep. 0 - Prologue
Ep. 1 - Expression
Ep. 2 - Loneliness
Ep. 3 - Stop it
Ep. 4 - Prime Cell
Ep. 5 - Improvise
Ep. 6 - Telepathy
Ep. 7 - Sleepless
Ep. 8 - Clue of Ruby
Ep. 9 - Can't Let it Happen
Ep. 10 - Denim Jacket
Ep. 11 - The Truth
Ep. 12 - Defense
Ep. 13 - Love Quadrilateral
Ep. 14 - Counterattack
Ep. 15 - Show Your True Feelings
Ep. 16 - Lullaby
Ep. 17 - Making a Fuss
Ep. 18 - What Do You Want to Say?
Ep. 19 - Anxiety Cell
Ep. 20 - Heartbeat Energy
Ep. 21 - Yumi and Alcohol
Ep. 22 - The Power Created by Pain
Ep. 23 - Carelessness reveals the truth
Ep. 24 - Cell Prequel-Apprentice Cell 1302
Ep. 25 - Want it, Want to Eat it
Ep. 26 - Best Condition
Ep. 27 - Ruby's Way
Ep. 28 - Yumi Laser Beam
Ep. 29 - Mental Preparation
Ep. 30 - Won't Lose the Smile till the End
Ep. 31 - A Hidden Secret
Ep. 32 - Chicken Power
Ep. 33 - Keeping Secrets
Ep. 34 - Inner Feeling Cell's Inner Mind
Ep. 35 - Locked and Loaded
Ep. 36 - One Second
Ep. 37 - Two Weeks Ago
Ep. 38 - The King of Jokes
Ep. 39 - The Belly Flute
Ep. 40 - The Enemy Within
Ep. 41 - Yumi According To Yumi
Ep. 42 - Mood Swings
Ep. 43 - Can't Get You Out of My Head
Ep. 44 - I need sugar
Ep. 45 - Don't Forget To Shower Before Bed
Ep. 46 - Looking for a Cause
Ep. 47 - I Don't Even Know Myself
Ep. 48 - We Need You
Ep. 49 - The Stress Bomb
Ep. 50 - Yumi Flips Out
Ep. 51 - Get Your Appetite Back
Ep. 52 - God, You're Obnoxious
Ep. 53 - The Umbrella
Ep. 54 - Hysterious Versus Love Cell
Ep. 55 - Woong's Algorhithm
Ep. 56 - Cuteness Deserves A Free Pass
Ep. 57 - The Love Beggar
Ep. 58 - Taking Down Hysterious
Ep. 59 - My Bare Face is Off Limits
Ep. 60 - The Moment You Can Spot The Difference
Ep. 61 - The Bulletin Board Manager
Ep. 62 - Her Attention
Ep. 63 - Plan Carefully And Act Innocent
Ep. 64 - Yumi's Social Media
Ep. 65 - You Haven't Chaged a Bit
Ep. 66 - The Terrifying Incarnation of Memories
Ep. 67 - Yumis Law
Ep. 68 - Space-Time Traveling Trick
Ep. 69 - Yumi's Rule
Ep. 70 - On The Way Home
Ep. 71 - Her Long Hair
Ep. 72 - The Questions To Ask Yourself
Ep. 73 - The Sixth Sense
Ep. 74 - Lunch Box with Love
Ep. 75 - Two Things That Sia Cant Stand
Ep. 76 - Two Things That Sia Cant Stand (Part.2)
Ep. 77 - Things She Normally Wouldn't Do
Ep. 78 - Naughtysaurus
Ep. 79 - Appetite and Sensibility
Ep. 80 - When Silence Falls
Ep. 81 - For You, Slammy
Ep. 82 - Leaving out a Big Chunk of the Story
Ep. 83 - One Month Earlier - Citron Friend
Ep. 84 - Suspicion
Ep. 85 - Three Weeks Earlier - Defensive Mode
Ep. 86 - A Perfect Time
Ep. 87 - Two Weeks Earlier - Priorities
Ep. 88 - I Will Not Forget It
Ep. 89 - To Trick And To Be Tricked
Ep. 90 - The Meal Has Ended
Ep. 91 - Getting A Pre-emtive Strike
Ep. 92 - Friendly Atmosphere
Ep. 93 - The Tip of an Iceberg
Ep. 94 - Guess What Yumi Got for Her Birthday
Ep. 95 - It Was a Good Dream
Ep. 96 - I Have a Boyfriend
Ep. 97 - The Burden
Ep. 98 - Couple Picture
Ep. 99 - Catching a Wedding Bouquet
Ep. 100 - But I Cannot Bring It to the Surface
Ep. 101 - Being Kind to Everyone
Ep. 102 - Hysterius Has A New Weapon
Ep. 103 - Getting Angrier
Ep. 104 - Accept the Opinion
Ep. 105 - Ready To Go Out Mode
Ep. 106 - Sad Timing
Ep. 107 - Extrasensory Yumi
Ep. 108 - Naughty Cell VS Manner Cell
Ep. 109 - Party
Ep. 110 - As Long As I'm With You
Ep. 111 - Because I Just Love It So Much
Ep. 112 - Powerful Stimulus
Ep. 113 - Yumi_s Decision, Woong's Decision
Ep. 114 - For Yumi
Ep. 115 - The Patrol Squad Is on Vacation
Ep. 116 - Five Minutes To Deadline
Ep. 117 - A Great Expectation
Ep. 118 - The Compliement Package
Ep. 119 - The Fear That Yumi Made
Ep. 120 - Cinderella
Ep. 121 - Ultra-Yumi Mode
Ep. 122 - Ultra-Yumi and Ultra-Sia
Ep. 123 - I'm Dying to Know
Ep. 124 - Yumi's Diary
Ep. 125 - Lucky Yumi
Ep. 126 - Attractiveness
Ep. 127 - Yumis reaction towards break-up
Ep. 128 - The No.79 Smoke Bomb
Ep. 129 - The Abscence of Travel Cell
Ep. 130 - To Where
Ep. 131 - Couple T-Shirt
Ep. 132 - Reserve A Room
Ep. 133 - Conflict Of Opinions
Ep. 134 - The Great Cell
Ep. 135 - Class One Secret
Ep. 136 - The Long-awaited Opportunity
Ep. 137 - Yumis Photos
Ep. 138 - Ice Woong
Ep. 139 - Cast a Spell
Ep. 140 - Yumi Love
Ep. 141 - Pretending
Ep. 142 - Help!
Ep. 143 - The Uninvited Guest
Ep. 144 - The Bomb
Ep. 145 - The Ignition
Ep. 146 - Would Recording Cell And Pat-On-The-Back Cell
Ep. 147 - Turn That TV Please
Ep. 148 - The Break-up Alarm
Ep. 149 - Sia Doesnt Know About No.4
Ep. 150 - Five Years Later
Ep. 151 - I Thought You Were Just Friends
Ep. 152 - Yumi VS Sia
Ep. 153 - How He Became a Judge Cell
Ep. 154 - A Judgement
Ep. 155 - A Hidden Card
Ep. 156 - Good Job, Rational Cell
Ep. 157 - Mr.Nams Story
Ep. 158 - Wariness
Ep. 159 - Clue
Ep. 160 - Aw~ Silly
Ep. 161 - Feeling of Guilt
Ep. 162 - Whats So Great About Me
Ep. 163 - I'll Teach You a Simple Way
Ep. 164 - Dining Alone
Ep. 165 - Reservation
Ep. 166 - Mixed Feelings
Ep. 167 - Rubys House Party
Ep. 168 - a New Guest
Ep. 169 - The Busier You Are The Happier She Is
Ep. 170 - Always On My Side
Ep. 171 - Escape
Ep. 172 - While Woong Was Sleeping
Ep. 173 - Potential Power
Ep. 174 - Spot the Difference
Ep. 175 - He Seems Just Fine
Ep. 176 - Syllogism
Ep. 177 - I Need Some Courage
Ep. 178 - Endorphin
Ep. 179 - Coochie Coo
Ep. 180 - Reaction
Ep. 181 - Unexpected
Ep. 182 - Stubborn
Ep. 183 - Five Second Cleaning
Ep. 184 - Confession
Ep. 185 - Organization Freak
Ep. 186 - Surprise!
Ep. 187 - Play Checkmate
Ep. 188 - Pessimistic Woong
Ep. 189 - Rival
Ep. 190 - Skills of Adults
Ep. 191 - Babi Loves U
Ep. 192 - Woongs Q and A
Ep. 193 - Lets Talk Later
Ep. 194 - The Male Main Character
Ep. 195 - Good To Work
Ep. 196 - Date Ideas
Ep. 197 - A Stimulan
Ep. 198 - Yumi Asks Random Questions
Ep. 199 - Break a Gourd
Ep. 200 - Farewell Card
Ep. 201 - Youre Too Late
Ep. 202 - Emotional Cell
Ep. 203 - Empty Space
Ep. 204 - Time Machine
Ep. 205 - Everyones Card
Ep. 206 - Woongs Card
Ep. 207 - a Break Up Notice
Ep. 208 - a Storm
Ep. 209 - Blow Your Nose
Ep. 210 - Cool Girl
Ep. 211 - Quick To Notice
Ep. 212 - Seriously
Ep. 213 - Treatment
Ep. 214 - Timing
Ep. 215 - Ready To Order
Ep. 216 - Something Unusual
Ep. 217 - Everyones Inner Feeling
Ep. 218 - Before I Get Sad
Ep. 219 - Professional Secret Lover
Ep. 220 - a Babi Club
Ep. 221 - Not Open To the Public
Ep. 222 - Dream of a Perfect Situation
Ep. 223 - This Is Fine
Ep. 224 - Accurate word
Ep. 225 - No.1 Priority
Ep. 226 - A Difficult Choice
Ep. 227 - No Way
Ep. 228 - Everyone Except Me
Ep. 229 - Good Luck
Ep. 230 - I Will Handle It Myself
Ep. 231 - Image Management Ceter
Ep. 232 - Detective Babi
Ep. 233 - A Message From Eda
Ep. 234 - Yumi and Eda
Ep. 235 - Original Cell Energy
Ep. 236 - Such a Skill
Ep. 237 - Regrets
Ep. 238 - D-1
Ep. 239 - Yumi Acknowledges, Babi Denies
Ep. 240 - Im Taking On This Case
Ep. 241 - Yumis Inference
Ep. 242 - Careful Observer
Ep. 243 - Careful Observer
Ep. 244 - Dinner With Babi Part 1
Ep. 245 - Dinner With Babi Part 2
Ep. 246 - Pride
Ep. 247 - Comments
Ep. 248 - Let it go
Ep. 249 - Interview
Ep. 250 - Entrails
Ep. 251 - I can't control myself because I'm so happy
Ep. 252 - Bum Zone
Ep. 253 - Satisfaction Rating
Ep. 254 - Electronic Rice Cooker
Ep. 255 - Realization
Ep. 256 - I Lose Either Way
Ep. 257 - What are you thinking
Ep. 258 - The Snow Day
Ep. 259 - Rice Cooker Seller
Ep. 260 - How Should I Treat Woong?
Ep. 261 - It Depends On Who It Is
Ep. 262 - Arrived From The Future
Ep. 263 - Babi Yoo's Hidden Card (1)
Ep. 264 - Babi Yoo's Hidden Card (2)
Ep. 265 - 1 Nano's Feelings
Ep. 266 - Time To Go To The Next Chapter
Ep. 267 - It Seems As Though It Was Planned
Ep. 268 - The Visit
Ep. 269 - The Boss Of My House
Ep. 270 - There's No Such Cell Like That
Ep. 271 - Lost Item
Ep. 272 - Jinx
Ep. 273 - Babi's Inference
Ep. 274 - Successor Babi Yoo
Ep. 275 - Yogurt
Ep. 276 - It's Cute
Ep. 277 - Could've Told Me Beforehand
Ep. 278 - Great Scorer
Ep. 279 - Super Polite Yumi
Ep. 280 - Precognitive Dream
Ep. 281 - Thrift
Ep. 282 - Good News and Bad News
Ep. 283 - Threat of the Invincible
Ep. 284 - I Gave It A Lot of Thought
Ep. 285 - At the Airport
Ep. 286 - Video Call
Ep. 287 - The New Part-timer
Ep. 288 - The New Manager
Ep. 289 - The Thing That Bothers
Ep. 290 - Trap
Ep. 291 - Power That Drives Me
Ep. 292 - Yumi got hurt
Ep. 293 - Blow On The Wound
Ep. 294 - Pro Trickster
Ep. 295 - Her Epilogue Part 1
Ep. 296 - Her Epilogue Part 2
Ep. 297 - Her Epilogue Part 3
Ep. 298 - Her Epilogue Part 4
Ep. 299 - Babi's Epilogue Part 1
Ep. 300 - Babi's Epilogue Part 2
Ep. 301 - Babi's Epilogue Part 3
Ep. 302 - I'm Late
Ep. 303 - The Cupid of Love
Ep. 304 - Meet You At The Airport Part 1
Ep. 305 - Meet You At The Airport Part 2
Ep. 306 - Where Is Babi Gonna Sleep Tonight
Ep. 307 - I'm Going to Wash Up, Yumi
Ep. 308 - Get Some More Sleep
Ep. 309 - A Lightning-fast Change of Mind
Ep. 310 - Isn't It Obvious?
Ep. 311 - Wrap Sign Language
Ep. 312 - Muse Part 1
Ep. 313 - Muse Part 2
Ep. 314 - The Author's Detail Error
Ep. 315 - Tension
Ep. 316 - The Prologue
Ep. 317 - Her Question Inducing Skill
Ep. 318 - Good News
Ep. 319 - The Favor
Ep. 320 - More More Brutal
Ep. 321 - Emotion Control
Ep. 322 - Cool Point
Ep. 323 - Let's Go On An Adventure
Ep. 324 - Jumping to Conclusion
Ep. 325 - Different Reasons to Cry
Ep. 326 - Telepathy from the Future
Ep. 327 - Ruby and the Rookie
Ep. 328 - The Book Meeting
Ep. 329 - The One I've Been Looking for
Ep. 330 - Editor Selection
Ep. 331 - Love is all about Strategy
Ep. 332 - Attack of the Desk Witch (1)
Ep. 333 - Attack of the Desk Witch (2)
Ep. 334 - Who started the fire in Yunhee Village
Ep. 335 - Because of a Dream
Ep. 336 - When it Comes to Showing Kindness
Ep. 337 - Don't eat those donuts
Ep. 338 - Tteokbokki that Babi made
Ep. 339 - Maybe I'm too sensitive
Ep. 340 - Soft Spot
Ep. 341 - Detective Cells
Ep. 342 - Her boyfriend can't come tonight
Ep. 343 - We Finally Meet at Last (1)
Ep. 344 - We Finally Meet at Last (2)
Ep. 345 - We Finally Meet at Last (3) (Fixed)
Ep. 346 - Move! I'm the no.1 around here!
Ep. 347 - ^_^
Ep. 348 - Release of 'My love, Muse'
Ep. 349 - Vacation Ceremony
Ep. 350 - No Overreacting Unless You're Planning to Date her
Ep. 351 - No Overreacting to Ex-Girlfriend
Ep. 352 - You May Overreact in Front of Your Girlfriend
Ep. 353 - Babi's Rules of Dating
Ep. 354 - The Meaning of the Ring 1
Ep. 355 - The Meaning of the Ring 2
Ep. 356 - Business Meeting Like A Pro 1
Ep. 357 - Business Meeting Like A Pro 2
Ep. 358 - Babi's Scent
Ep. 359 - Part Timer 1
Ep. 360 - Part Timer 2
Ep. 361 - Part Timer 3
Ep. 362 - Ginger Pie 1
Ep. 363 - Ginger Pie 2
Ep. 364 - Listen to Da-eun
Ep. 365 - Asking Out on White Day 1
Ep. 366 - Asking Out on White Day 2
Ep. 367 - Atmosphere Twist 1
Ep. 368 - Atmosphere Twist 2
Ep. 369 - Connecting Link 1
Ep. 370 - Connecting Link 2
Ep. 371 - Connecting Link 3
Ep. 372 - Connecting Link 4
Ep. 373 - Can't Help But Laugh
Ep. 374 - Can't Help But Laugh 2
Ep. 375 - Can't Help But Laugh 3
Ep. 376 - The Romance Trial 1
Ep. 377 - The Romance Trial 2
Ep. 378 - Timing 1
Ep. 379 - Timing 2
Ep. 380 - Relationship Expert Control Z 1
Ep. 381 - Relationship Expert Control Z 2
Ep. 382 - Babi is Never Kind Without a Reason 1
Ep. 383 - Babi is Never Kind Without a Reason 2
Ep. 384 - Yumi's Dating Rules 1
Ep. 385 - Yumi's Dating Rules 2
Ep. 386 - Cutie Bible
Ep. 387 - the First Question
Ep. 388 - The Second Question
Ep. 389 - The Last Question
Ep. 390 - Anger Incarnate
Ep. 391 - The Next Prime Cell
Ep. 392 - Concentration Cell
Ep. 393 - Not Who I Used to Be
Ep. 394 - Friend
Ep. 395 - The Dopamines
Ep. 396 - Meeting Woong 1
Ep. 397 - Meeting Woong 2
Ep. 398 - Meeting Woong 3
Ep. 399 - Meeting Woong 4
Ep. 400 - Zwon song 1
Ep. 401 - Zwon song 2
Ep. 402 - It Stings
Ep. 403 - I Missed You
Ep. 404 - So Just Let Me Know, Please
Ep. 405 - About the Feelings Left
Ep. 406 - A Coupon, a Ring, and a Hashtag 1
Ep. 407 - A Coupon, a Ring, and a Hashtag 2
Ep. 408 - A Coupon, a Ring, and a Hashtag 3
Ep. 409 - Past is Just Past
Ep. 410 - Woong Changed (feat. ctrl+z)
Ep. 411 - Babi Area 1
Ep. 412 - Babi Area 2
Ep. 413 - If I Run Into Yumi Again 1
Ep. 414 - If I Run Into Yumi Again 2
Ep. 415 - No Room For Second-guessing
Ep. 416 - Kitty vs Babi
Ep. 417 - It Feels Like Something's Missing
Ep. 418 - Relationship Status
Ep. 419 - That's a Lie
Ep. 420 - Friend Title
Ep. 421 - What's on Your Mind?
Ep. 422 - Face-to-Face 1
Ep. 423 - Face-to-Face 2
Ep. 424 - Face-to-Face 3
Ep. 425 - Face-to-Face 4
Ep. 426 - Ruby Signing Off 1
Ep. 427 - Ruby Signing Off 2
Ep. 428 - Ruby Signing Off 3
Ep. 429 - Ruby Signing Off 4
Ep. 430 - Ruby Signing Off 5
Ep. 431 - Ruby Signing Off 6
Ep. 432 - Naughty Cell's Signal
Ep. 433 - The Signals You Get 1
Ep. 434 - The Signals You Get 2
Ep. 435 - The Signals You Get 3
Ep. 436 - The Signals You Get 4
Ep. 437 - The Signals You Get 5
Ep. 438 - The Signals You Get – Finale
Ep. 439 - Travel Plan
Ep. 440 - Lunchbox
Ep. 441 - How Can Someone In Love Stay Calm?
Ep. 442 - He Knew What I was about to Say
Ep. 443 - So Awkward
Ep. 444 - Past-seeing girl, Future-seeing man
Ep. 445 - Who was that?
Ep. 446 - Heartthrob Energy
Ep. 447 - Unable To Use Skill
Ep. 448 - Rudolph
Ep. 449 - Harmless Curiosity
Ep. 450 - Strawberry custard carp bread
Ep. 451 - Caught red-handed
Ep. 452 - Hints 1
Ep. 453 - Hints 2
Ep. 454 - Hints 3
Ep. 455 - No more hints
Ep. 456 - Don't cross the line
Ep. 457 - Breaking the heart 1
Ep. 458 - Breaking the heart 2
Ep. 459 - Please return it to me later 1
Ep. 460 - Please return it to me later 2
Ep. 461 - Please return it to me later 3
Ep. 462 - Please return it to me later – Finale
Ep. 463 - I want to get along (with you)
Ep. 464 - Memory association effect
Ep. 465 - Blind date 1
Ep. 466 - Blind date 2
Ep. 467 - Isn't It Too Late?
Ep. 468 - Prime Love Cell
Ep. 469 - Heart Working
Ep. 470 - Date 1
Ep. 471 - Date 2
Ep. 472 - Date 3
Ep. 473 - Date 4
Ep. 474 - I Just Can't Imagine
Ep. 475 - Heart Fever Time
Ep. 476 - Welcome To My House
Ep. 477 - Miss Isabelle
Ep. 478 - There's Something I Haven't Told You
Ep. 479 - There's Something I Haven't Told You 2
Ep. 480 - There's Something I Haven't Told You 3
Ep. 481 - There's Something I Haven't Told You - Finale
Ep. 482 - This Is Real, Real, Real 1
Ep. 483 - This Is Real, Real, Real 2
Ep. 484 - This Is Real, Real, Real 3
Ep. 485 - December 24th
Ep. 486 - Soonrok's Top Priority
Ep. 487 - Yumi's Fault, Daeyong's Fault, Isabelle's Fault
Ep. 488 - Sudden Curiosity
Ep. 489 - Muse, My Love
Ep. 490 - People who complete A Story
Ep. 491 - The Brave Cells
Ep. 492 - The Writing Hand
Ep. 493 - This Isn't Yours, Is It?
Ep. 494 - New Novel
Ep. 495 - New Novel 2
Ep. 496 - New Novel 3
Ep. 497 - New Novel - Finale
Ep. 498 - Shall We Dance?
Ep. 499 - Shall We Dance? 2
Ep. 500 - Shall We Dance? 3
Ep. 501 - Shall We Dance? 4
Ep. 502 - · – · · – · – – –
Ep. 503 - Yumi's Cells (1)
Ep. 504 - Yumi's Cells (2)
Ep. 505 - Yumi's Cells (3)
Ep. 506 - Sia
Ep. 507 - Babi the Phantom Thief
Ep. 508 - Soonrok
Ep. 509 - Sincerely, Yumi Kim
Ep. 510 - Ending
Ep. 511 - Epilogue
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Ep. 0 - Prologue
Ep. 1 - Expression
Ep. 2 - Loneliness
Ep. 3 - Stop it
Ep. 4 - Prime Cell
Ep. 5 - Improvise
Ep. 6 - Telepathy
Ep. 7 - Sleepless
Ep. 8 - Clue of Ruby
Ep. 9 - Can't Let it Happen
Ep. 10 - Denim Jacket
Ep. 11 - The Truth
Ep. 12 - Defense
Ep. 13 - Love Quadrilateral
Ep. 14 - Counterattack
Ep. 15 - Show Your True Feelings
Ep. 16 - Lullaby
Ep. 17 - Making a Fuss
Ep. 18 - What Do You Want to Say?
Ep. 19 - Anxiety Cell
Ep. 20 - Heartbeat Energy
Ep. 21 - Yumi and Alcohol
Ep. 22 - The Power Created by Pain
Ep. 23 - Carelessness reveals the truth
Ep. 24 - Cell Prequel-Apprentice Cell 1302
Ep. 25 - Want it, Want to Eat it
Ep. 26 - Best Condition
Ep. 27 - Ruby's Way
Ep. 28 - Yumi Laser Beam
Ep. 29 - Mental Preparation
Ep. 30 - Won't Lose the Smile till the End
Ep. 31 - A Hidden Secret
Ep. 32 - Chicken Power
Ep. 33 - Keeping Secrets
Ep. 34 - Inner Feeling Cell's Inner Mind
Ep. 35 - Locked and Loaded
Ep. 36 - One Second
Ep. 37 - Two Weeks Ago
Ep. 38 - The King of Jokes
Ep. 39 - The Belly Flute
Ep. 40 - The Enemy Within
Ep. 41 - Yumi According To Yumi
Ep. 42 - Mood Swings
Ep. 43 - Can't Get You Out of My Head
Ep. 44 - I need sugar
Ep. 45 - Don't Forget To Shower Before Bed
Ep. 46 - Looking for a Cause
Ep. 47 - I Don't Even Know Myself
Ep. 48 - We Need You
Ep. 49 - The Stress Bomb
Ep. 50 - Yumi Flips Out
Ep. 51 - Get Your Appetite Back
Ep. 52 - God, You're Obnoxious
Ep. 53 - The Umbrella
Ep. 54 - Hysterious Versus Love Cell
Ep. 55 - Woong's Algorhithm
Ep. 56 - Cuteness Deserves A Free Pass
Ep. 57 - The Love Beggar
Ep. 58 - Taking Down Hysterious
Ep. 59 - My Bare Face is Off Limits
Ep. 60 - The Moment You Can Spot The Difference
Ep. 61 - The Bulletin Board Manager
Ep. 62 - Her Attention
Ep. 63 - Plan Carefully And Act Innocent
Ep. 64 - Yumi's Social Media
Ep. 65 - You Haven't Chaged a Bit
Ep. 66 - The Terrifying Incarnation of Memories
Ep. 67 - Yumis Law
Ep. 68 - Space-Time Traveling Trick
Ep. 69 - Yumi's Rule
Ep. 70 - On The Way Home
Ep. 71 - Her Long Hair
Ep. 72 - The Questions To Ask Yourself
Ep. 73 - The Sixth Sense
Ep. 74 - Lunch Box with Love
Ep. 75 - Two Things That Sia Cant Stand
Ep. 76 - Two Things That Sia Cant Stand (Part.2)
Ep. 77 - Things She Normally Wouldn't Do
Ep. 78 - Naughtysaurus
Ep. 79 - Appetite and Sensibility
Ep. 80 - When Silence Falls
Ep. 81 - For You, Slammy
Ep. 82 - Leaving out a Big Chunk of the Story
Ep. 83 - One Month Earlier - Citron Friend
Ep. 84 - Suspicion
Ep. 85 - Three Weeks Earlier - Defensive Mode
Ep. 86 - A Perfect Time
Ep. 87 - Two Weeks Earlier - Priorities
Ep. 88 - I Will Not Forget It
Ep. 89 - To Trick And To Be Tricked
Ep. 90 - The Meal Has Ended
Ep. 91 - Getting A Pre-emtive Strike
Ep. 92 - Friendly Atmosphere
Ep. 93 - The Tip of an Iceberg
Ep. 94 - Guess What Yumi Got for Her Birthday
Ep. 95 - It Was a Good Dream
Ep. 96 - I Have a Boyfriend
Ep. 97 - The Burden
Ep. 98 - Couple Picture
Ep. 99 - Catching a Wedding Bouquet
Ep. 100 - But I Cannot Bring It to the Surface
Ep. 101 - Being Kind to Everyone
Ep. 102 - Hysterius Has A New Weapon
Ep. 103 - Getting Angrier
Ep. 104 - Accept the Opinion
Ep. 105 - Ready To Go Out Mode
Ep. 106 - Sad Timing
Ep. 107 - Extrasensory Yumi
Ep. 108 - Naughty Cell VS Manner Cell
Ep. 109 - Party
Ep. 110 - As Long As I'm With You
Ep. 111 - Because I Just Love It So Much
Ep. 112 - Powerful Stimulus
Ep. 113 - Yumi_s Decision, Woong's Decision
Ep. 114 - For Yumi
Ep. 115 - The Patrol Squad Is on Vacation
Ep. 116 - Five Minutes To Deadline
Ep. 117 - A Great Expectation
Ep. 118 - The Compliement Package
Ep. 119 - The Fear That Yumi Made
Ep. 120 - Cinderella
Ep. 121 - Ultra-Yumi Mode
Ep. 122 - Ultra-Yumi and Ultra-Sia
Ep. 123 - I'm Dying to Know
Ep. 124 - Yumi's Diary
Ep. 125 - Lucky Yumi
Ep. 126 - Attractiveness
Ep. 127 - Yumis reaction towards break-up
Ep. 128 - The No.79 Smoke Bomb
Ep. 129 - The Abscence of Travel Cell
Ep. 130 - To Where
Ep. 131 - Couple T-Shirt
Ep. 132 - Reserve A Room
Ep. 133 - Conflict Of Opinions
Ep. 134 - The Great Cell
Ep. 135 - Class One Secret
Ep. 136 - The Long-awaited Opportunity
Ep. 137 - Yumis Photos
Ep. 138 - Ice Woong
Ep. 139 - Cast a Spell
Ep. 140 - Yumi Love
Ep. 141 - Pretending
Ep. 142 - Help!
Ep. 143 - The Uninvited Guest
Ep. 144 - The Bomb
Ep. 145 - The Ignition
Ep. 146 - Would Recording Cell And Pat-On-The-Back Cell
Ep. 147 - Turn That TV Please
Ep. 148 - The Break-up Alarm
Ep. 149 - Sia Doesnt Know About No.4
Ep. 150 - Five Years Later
Ep. 151 - I Thought You Were Just Friends
Ep. 152 - Yumi VS Sia
Ep. 153 - How He Became a Judge Cell
Ep. 154 - A Judgement
Ep. 155 - A Hidden Card
Ep. 156 - Good Job, Rational Cell
Ep. 157 - Mr.Nams Story
Ep. 158 - Wariness
Ep. 159 - Clue
Ep. 160 - Aw~ Silly
Ep. 161 - Feeling of Guilt
Ep. 162 - Whats So Great About Me
Ep. 163 - I'll Teach You a Simple Way
Ep. 164 - Dining Alone
Ep. 165 - Reservation
Ep. 166 - Mixed Feelings
Ep. 167 - Rubys House Party
Ep. 168 - a New Guest
Ep. 169 - The Busier You Are The Happier She Is
Ep. 170 - Always On My Side
Ep. 171 - Escape
Ep. 172 - While Woong Was Sleeping
Ep. 173 - Potential Power
Ep. 174 - Spot the Difference
Ep. 175 - He Seems Just Fine
Ep. 176 - Syllogism
Ep. 177 - I Need Some Courage
Ep. 178 - Endorphin
Ep. 179 - Coochie Coo
Ep. 180 - Reaction
Ep. 181 - Unexpected
Ep. 182 - Stubborn
Ep. 183 - Five Second Cleaning
Ep. 184 - Confession
Ep. 185 - Organization Freak
Ep. 186 - Surprise!
Ep. 187 - Play Checkmate
Ep. 188 - Pessimistic Woong
Ep. 189 - Rival
Ep. 190 - Skills of Adults
Ep. 191 - Babi Loves U
Ep. 192 - Woongs Q and A
Ep. 193 - Lets Talk Later
Ep. 194 - The Male Main Character
Ep. 195 - Good To Work
Ep. 196 - Date Ideas
Ep. 197 - A Stimulan
Ep. 198 - Yumi Asks Random Questions
Ep. 199 - Break a Gourd
Ep. 200 - Farewell Card
Ep. 201 - Youre Too Late
Ep. 202 - Emotional Cell
Ep. 203 - Empty Space
Ep. 204 - Time Machine
Ep. 205 - Everyones Card
Ep. 206 - Woongs Card
Ep. 207 - a Break Up Notice
Ep. 208 - a Storm
Ep. 209 - Blow Your Nose
Ep. 210 - Cool Girl
Ep. 211 - Quick To Notice
Ep. 212 - Seriously
Ep. 213 - Treatment
Ep. 214 - Timing
Ep. 215 - Ready To Order
Ep. 216 - Something Unusual
Ep. 217 - Everyones Inner Feeling
Ep. 218 - Before I Get Sad
Ep. 219 - Professional Secret Lover
Ep. 220 - a Babi Club
Ep. 221 - Not Open To the Public
Ep. 222 - Dream of a Perfect Situation
Ep. 223 - This Is Fine
Ep. 224 - Accurate word
Ep. 225 - No.1 Priority
Ep. 226 - A Difficult Choice
Ep. 227 - No Way
Ep. 228 - Everyone Except Me
Ep. 229 - Good Luck
Ep. 230 - I Will Handle It Myself
Ep. 231 - Image Management Ceter
Ep. 232 - Detective Babi
Ep. 233 - A Message From Eda
Ep. 234 - Yumi and Eda
Ep. 235 - Original Cell Energy
Ep. 236 - Such a Skill
Ep. 237 - Regrets
Ep. 238 - D-1
Ep. 239 - Yumi Acknowledges, Babi Denies
Ep. 240 - Im Taking On This Case
Ep. 241 - Yumis Inference
Ep. 242 - Careful Observer
Ep. 243 - Careful Observer
Ep. 244 - Dinner With Babi Part 1
Ep. 245 - Dinner With Babi Part 2
Ep. 246 - Pride
Ep. 247 - Comments
Ep. 248 - Let it go
Ep. 249 - Interview
Ep. 250 - Entrails
Ep. 251 - I can't control myself because I'm so happy
Ep. 252 - Bum Zone
Ep. 253 - Satisfaction Rating
Ep. 254 - Electronic Rice Cooker
Ep. 255 - Realization
Ep. 256 - I Lose Either Way
Ep. 257 - What are you thinking
Ep. 258 - The Snow Day
Ep. 259 - Rice Cooker Seller
Ep. 260 - How Should I Treat Woong?
Ep. 261 - It Depends On Who It Is
Ep. 262 - Arrived From The Future
Ep. 263 - Babi Yoo's Hidden Card (1)
Ep. 264 - Babi Yoo's Hidden Card (2)
Ep. 265 - 1 Nano's Feelings
Ep. 266 - Time To Go To The Next Chapter
Ep. 267 - It Seems As Though It Was Planned
Ep. 268 - The Visit
Ep. 269 - The Boss Of My House
Ep. 270 - There's No Such Cell Like That
Ep. 271 - Lost Item
Ep. 272 - Jinx
Ep. 273 - Babi's Inference
Ep. 274 - Successor Babi Yoo
Ep. 275 - Yogurt
Ep. 276 - It's Cute
Ep. 277 - Could've Told Me Beforehand
Ep. 278 - Great Scorer
Ep. 279 - Super Polite Yumi
Ep. 280 - Precognitive Dream
Ep. 281 - Thrift
Ep. 282 - Good News and Bad News
Ep. 283 - Threat of the Invincible
Ep. 284 - I Gave It A Lot of Thought
Ep. 285 - At the Airport
Ep. 286 - Video Call
Ep. 287 - The New Part-timer
Ep. 288 - The New Manager
Ep. 289 - The Thing That Bothers
Ep. 290 - Trap
Ep. 291 - Power That Drives Me
Ep. 292 - Yumi got hurt
Ep. 293 - Blow On The Wound
Ep. 294 - Pro Trickster
Ep. 295 - Her Epilogue Part 1
Ep. 296 - Her Epilogue Part 2
Ep. 297 - Her Epilogue Part 3
Ep. 298 - Her Epilogue Part 4
Ep. 299 - Babi's Epilogue Part 1
Ep. 300 - Babi's Epilogue Part 2
Ep. 301 - Babi's Epilogue Part 3
Ep. 302 - I'm Late
Ep. 303 - The Cupid of Love
Ep. 304 - Meet You At The Airport Part 1
Ep. 305 - Meet You At The Airport Part 2
Ep. 306 - Where Is Babi Gonna Sleep Tonight
Ep. 307 - I'm Going to Wash Up, Yumi
Ep. 308 - Get Some More Sleep
Ep. 309 - A Lightning-fast Change of Mind
Ep. 310 - Isn't It Obvious?
Ep. 311 - Wrap Sign Language
Ep. 312 - Muse Part 1
Ep. 313 - Muse Part 2
Ep. 314 - The Author's Detail Error
Ep. 315 - Tension
Ep. 316 - The Prologue
Ep. 317 - Her Question Inducing Skill
Ep. 318 - Good News
Ep. 319 - The Favor
Ep. 320 - More More Brutal
Ep. 321 - Emotion Control
Ep. 322 - Cool Point
Ep. 323 - Let's Go On An Adventure
Ep. 324 - Jumping to Conclusion
Ep. 325 - Different Reasons to Cry
Ep. 326 - Telepathy from the Future
Ep. 327 - Ruby and the Rookie
Ep. 328 - The Book Meeting
Ep. 329 - The One I've Been Looking for
Ep. 330 - Editor Selection
Ep. 331 - Love is all about Strategy
Ep. 332 - Attack of the Desk Witch (1)
Ep. 333 - Attack of the Desk Witch (2)
Ep. 334 - Who started the fire in Yunhee Village
Ep. 335 - Because of a Dream
Ep. 336 - When it Comes to Showing Kindness
Ep. 337 - Don't eat those donuts
Ep. 338 - Tteokbokki that Babi made
Ep. 339 - Maybe I'm too sensitive
Ep. 340 - Soft Spot
Ep. 341 - Detective Cells
Ep. 342 - Her boyfriend can't come tonight
Ep. 343 - We Finally Meet at Last (1)
Ep. 344 - We Finally Meet at Last (2)
Ep. 345 - We Finally Meet at Last (3) (Fixed)
Ep. 346 - Move! I'm the no.1 around here!
Ep. 347 - ^_^
Ep. 348 - Release of 'My love, Muse'
Ep. 349 - Vacation Ceremony
Ep. 350 - No Overreacting Unless You're Planning to Date her
Ep. 351 - No Overreacting to Ex-Girlfriend
Ep. 352 - You May Overreact in Front of Your Girlfriend
Ep. 353 - Babi's Rules of Dating
Ep. 354 - The Meaning of the Ring 1
Ep. 355 - The Meaning of the Ring 2
Ep. 356 - Business Meeting Like A Pro 1
Ep. 357 - Business Meeting Like A Pro 2
Ep. 358 - Babi's Scent
Ep. 359 - Part Timer 1
Ep. 360 - Part Timer 2
Ep. 361 - Part Timer 3
Ep. 362 - Ginger Pie 1
Ep. 363 - Ginger Pie 2
Ep. 364 - Listen to Da-eun
Ep. 365 - Asking Out on White Day 1
Ep. 366 - Asking Out on White Day 2
Ep. 367 - Atmosphere Twist 1
Ep. 368 - Atmosphere Twist 2
Ep. 369 - Connecting Link 1
Ep. 370 - Connecting Link 2
Ep. 371 - Connecting Link 3
Ep. 372 - Connecting Link 4
Ep. 373 - Can't Help But Laugh
Ep. 374 - Can't Help But Laugh 2
Ep. 375 - Can't Help But Laugh 3
Ep. 376 - The Romance Trial 1
Ep. 377 - The Romance Trial 2
Ep. 378 - Timing 1
Ep. 379 - Timing 2
Ep. 380 - Relationship Expert Control Z 1
Ep. 381 - Relationship Expert Control Z 2
Ep. 382 - Babi is Never Kind Without a Reason 1
Ep. 383 - Babi is Never Kind Without a Reason 2
Ep. 384 - Yumi's Dating Rules 1
Ep. 385 - Yumi's Dating Rules 2
Ep. 386 - Cutie Bible
Ep. 387 - the First Question
Ep. 388 - The Second Question
Ep. 389 - The Last Question
Ep. 390 - Anger Incarnate
Ep. 391 - The Next Prime Cell
Ep. 392 - Concentration Cell
Ep. 393 - Not Who I Used to Be
Ep. 394 - Friend
Ep. 395 - The Dopamines
Ep. 396 - Meeting Woong 1
Ep. 397 - Meeting Woong 2
Ep. 398 - Meeting Woong 3
Ep. 399 - Meeting Woong 4
Ep. 400 - Zwon song 1
Ep. 401 - Zwon song 2
Ep. 402 - It Stings
Ep. 403 - I Missed You
Ep. 404 - So Just Let Me Know, Please
Ep. 405 - About the Feelings Left
Ep. 406 - A Coupon, a Ring, and a Hashtag 1
Ep. 407 - A Coupon, a Ring, and a Hashtag 2
Ep. 408 - A Coupon, a Ring, and a Hashtag 3
Ep. 409 - Past is Just Past
Ep. 410 - Woong Changed (feat. ctrl+z)
Ep. 411 - Babi Area 1
Ep. 412 - Babi Area 2
Ep. 413 - If I Run Into Yumi Again 1
Ep. 414 - If I Run Into Yumi Again 2
Ep. 415 - No Room For Second-guessing
Ep. 416 - Kitty vs Babi
Ep. 417 - It Feels Like Something's Missing
Ep. 418 - Relationship Status
Ep. 419 - That's a Lie
Ep. 420 - Friend Title
Ep. 421 - What's on Your Mind?
Ep. 422 - Face-to-Face 1
Ep. 423 - Face-to-Face 2
Ep. 424 - Face-to-Face 3
Ep. 425 - Face-to-Face 4
Ep. 426 - Ruby Signing Off 1
Ep. 427 - Ruby Signing Off 2
Ep. 428 - Ruby Signing Off 3
Ep. 429 - Ruby Signing Off 4
Ep. 430 - Ruby Signing Off 5
Ep. 431 - Ruby Signing Off 6
Ep. 432 - Naughty Cell's Signal
Ep. 433 - The Signals You Get 1
Ep. 434 - The Signals You Get 2
Ep. 435 - The Signals You Get 3
Ep. 436 - The Signals You Get 4
Ep. 437 - The Signals You Get 5
Ep. 438 - The Signals You Get – Finale
Ep. 439 - Travel Plan
Ep. 440 - Lunchbox
Ep. 441 - How Can Someone In Love Stay Calm?
Ep. 442 - He Knew What I was about to Say
Ep. 443 - So Awkward
Ep. 444 - Past-seeing girl, Future-seeing man
Ep. 445 - Who was that?
Ep. 446 - Heartthrob Energy
Ep. 447 - Unable To Use Skill
Ep. 448 - Rudolph
Ep. 449 - Harmless Curiosity
Ep. 450 - Strawberry custard carp bread
Ep. 451 - Caught red-handed
Ep. 452 - Hints 1
Ep. 453 - Hints 2
Ep. 454 - Hints 3
Ep. 455 - No more hints
Ep. 456 - Don't cross the line
Ep. 457 - Breaking the heart 1
Ep. 458 - Breaking the heart 2
Ep. 459 - Please return it to me later 1
Ep. 460 - Please return it to me later 2
Ep. 461 - Please return it to me later 3
Ep. 462 - Please return it to me later – Finale
Ep. 463 - I want to get along (with you)
Ep. 464 - Memory association effect
Ep. 465 - Blind date 1
Ep. 466 - Blind date 2
Ep. 467 - Isn't It Too Late?
Ep. 468 - Prime Love Cell
Ep. 469 - Heart Working
Ep. 470 - Date 1
Ep. 471 - Date 2
Ep. 472 - Date 3
Ep. 473 - Date 4
Ep. 474 - I Just Can't Imagine
Ep. 475 - Heart Fever Time
Ep. 476 - Welcome To My House
Ep. 477 - Miss Isabelle
Ep. 478 - There's Something I Haven't Told You
Ep. 479 - There's Something I Haven't Told You 2
Ep. 480 - There's Something I Haven't Told You 3
Ep. 481 - There's Something I Haven't Told You - Finale
Ep. 482 - This Is Real, Real, Real 1
Ep. 483 - This Is Real, Real, Real 2
Ep. 484 - This Is Real, Real, Real 3
Ep. 485 - December 24th
Ep. 486 - Soonrok's Top Priority
Ep. 487 - Yumi's Fault, Daeyong's Fault, Isabelle's Fault
Ep. 488 - Sudden Curiosity
Ep. 489 - Muse, My Love
Ep. 490 - People who complete A Story
Ep. 491 - The Brave Cells
Ep. 492 - The Writing Hand
Ep. 493 - This Isn't Yours, Is It?
Ep. 494 - New Novel
Ep. 495 - New Novel 2
Ep. 496 - New Novel 3
Ep. 497 - New Novel - Finale
Ep. 498 - Shall We Dance?
Ep. 499 - Shall We Dance? 2
Ep. 500 - Shall We Dance? 3
Ep. 501 - Shall We Dance? 4
Ep. 502 - · – · · – · – – –
Ep. 503 - Yumi's Cells (1)
Ep. 504 - Yumi's Cells (2)
Ep. 505 - Yumi's Cells (3)
Ep. 506 - Sia
Ep. 507 - Babi the Phantom Thief
Ep. 508 - Soonrok
Ep. 509 - Sincerely, Yumi Kim
Ep. 510 - Ending
Ep. 511 - Epilogue
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390 days ago
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