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Igyoujin Oniwakamaru

Igyoujin Oniwakamaru

いぎょうじんおにわかまる / 異形人おに若丸 / Ogyoujin Oniwakamaru / Oniwakamaru The Visitor
saruwatari tetsuya
Chapter 26
Uchi no Musume no Tame Naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Mao mo Taoseru Kamo Shirenai. (Official)

Uchi no Musume no Tame Naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Mao mo Taoseru Kamo Shirenai. (Official)

うちの娘の為ならば、俺はもしかしたら魔王も倒せるかもしれない。 / If It’s for My Daughter, I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord
Chirolu / Hota / Kei truffle
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Romance,Slice of Life
Chapter 33.6
Ue kara Kataomoi

Ue kara Kataomoi

スウィート☆レッスン / 上から片想い / 君ばっかりの夏 / 愛のしるし (マキノ)
makino (マキノ)
Shoujo(G),Romance,School Life
Chapter 4
Akarui Kazoku Keikaku

Akarui Kazoku Keikaku

あかるい家族計画 / Cheerful Family Plan
yoshikawa arata
Shoujo(G),Harem,Romance,School Life
Chapter 23
Oi, Hazure Skillda To Omowareteita Ga Bakemono Sugiru Ndaga.

Oi, Hazure Skillda To Omowareteita Ga Bakemono Sugiru Ndaga.

Hey, "Cheat code operation", which was thought to be a miss skill, is too monstrous. / おい、外れスキルだと思われていた《チートコード操作》が化け物すぎるんだが。 〜実家を追放され、世間からも無能と蔑まれていたが、幼馴染の皇女からめちゃくちゃ溺愛されるうえにスローライフが楽しすぎる〜.
Doma-doma / どまどま / Fuku Kitsune / 福きつね
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Harem,Martial Arts,Romance
Chapter 2.3
Toukou Tochuu no Deaigashira no Guuzen Kiss wa Ariuru? Jikken

Toukou Tochuu no Deaigashira no Guuzen Kiss wa Ariuru? Jikken

登校途中の出会い頭の偶然キスはありうるか?実験 / The 'Can an Accidental Collision on the Way to School Result in a Kiss' Experiment / Toukou Tochuu no Deaigashira no Guuzen Kisu wa Ariuru? Jikken
kago shintaro
Chapter 1
Hoshigami-kun wa Douka Shite Iru

Hoshigami-kun wa Douka Shite Iru

星上くんはどうかしている / Hoshigami-kun is Weird / Something's Up with Hoshigami-kun
Asada Nikki
🇯🇵Manga,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life
Volume 2 Chapter 10


Akusaga -ZERO- / ひとりたち / 傷口から流れるあいのうた / Eien no Hani / Eien no Honey / Forever Honey / Hitoritachi / Kizuguchi Kara Nagareru Ai no Uta / 永遠のハニー / 悪性 —ZERO—
kanno aya
Shoujo(G),Drama,Slice of Life,Tragedy
Chapter 0
Kohaikunn no Dekiai ga ゙Sugosugiru! ~ Ore no katachi oboete kuta ゙ sai ne, senpai ~

🇨🇳Kohaikunn no Dekiai ga ゙Sugosugiru! ~ Ore no katachi oboete kuta ゙ sai ne, senpai ~

Junior-kun's doting is too amazing! -'Please remember my shape, senior!' / 後輩くんの溺愛がスゴすぎる! ~俺のカタチ覚えてくださいね、先輩~
いなかしルや / Inakashi Ruya
🇯🇵Manga,Oneshot,Josei(W),Adult,Mature,Smut,Office Workers,Romance
Ue kara Kataomoi

Ue kara Kataomoi

スウィート☆レッスン / 上から片想い / 单恋服从 / 君ばっかりの夏 / 愛のしるし (マキノ) / รักนายเจ้าชายเย็นชา (Thai) / Secret Unrequited Love (Makino)
makino (マキノ)
Shoujo(G),Romance,School Life
Chapter 4
Tidak Ferguso, Ini adalah "Salah Paham dengan Gaya" {SL_2}

🇮🇩Tidak Ferguso, Ini adalah "Salah Paham dengan Gaya" {SL_2}

My New Wife is Forcing Herself to Smile / 嫁いできた嫁が愛想笑いばかりしてる / Totsuidekita Yome ga Aisouwarai Bakari Shiteru / Ma nouvelle femme a un sourire forcé / Minha recém esposa está se forçando a sorrir / The Bride I Married Just Forces a Smile
Matsumoto Kengo
🇯🇵4-Koma,Comic,Manga,Josei(W),Shoujo(G),Comedy,Historical,Romance,Royal family,Samurai,Slice of Life
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka Gaiden - Sword Oratoria

🇪🇸Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka Gaiden - Sword Oratoria

ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか 外伝 ソード・オラトリア / DanMachi Gaiden: Sword Oratoria / Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Sword Oratoria / 소드 오라토리아
oomori fujino / yagi takashi
Chapter 10
Yogoreteru Hima Nanka Nai

Yogoreteru Hima Nanka Nai

汚れてる暇なんかない / 没有空错爱 / No Free Time to Get Dirty
ishida takumi
Chapter 16
My Next Life as a Villainess: Make the Heroine Cum 3 Times

My Next Life as a Villainess: Make the Heroine Cum 3 Times

乙女ゲームのヒロインを三回イかせないと破滅する部屋に入ってしまった マリア受け追加パッ チ / I'm stuck in a room where I'll be doomed if I don't make the heroine cums 3 times
Chapter 1
Tonari no douryou ga erosugiru!!~ Takumashī ude ni daka rete… iku~tsu

🇯🇵Tonari no douryou ga erosugiru!!~ Takumashī ude ni daka rete… iku~tsu

隣の同僚がエロすぎる!!~逞しい腕に抱かれて…イクッ~ / The colleague next door is too erotic! !! ~ Embraced by strong arms ... Iku ~
桧川りつ / Hinokigawa ritsu
🇯🇵Manga,Josei(W),Smut,Office Workers,Romance
Chapter 1
Jigoku no Gouka de Yakare Tsuzuketa Shounen. Saikyou no Honootsukai to Natte Fukkatsu suru

🇧🇷Jigoku no Gouka de Yakare Tsuzuketa Shounen. Saikyou no Honootsukai to Natte Fukkatsu suru

地獄の業火で焼かれ続けた少年。最強の炎使いとなって復活する。 / The Boy Who Had Been Continuously Burned by the Fires of Hell. Revived, he becomes the strongest flame user. / A Boy Who Has Been Burned by the Fire of Hell - Reinstated as the Strongest Flame Messenger / Jigoku no Gouka de Yaka re Tsuzuketa Shounen. Saikyou no Honou Tsukai to Natte Fukkatsu Suru.
Satou / Miyagi, Morinari
Chapter 36
Itsuka Kimitachi mo Otona ni Naru

Itsuka Kimitachi mo Otona ni Naru

いつか君たちも大人になる / 你们迟早也会长大 / Itsuka Kimi-tachi mo Otona ni Naru / Someday You' / ll Grow Up
fujio ai
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Chapter 5.5
Ue kara Kataomoi

Ue kara Kataomoi

君ばっかりの夏 / 上から片想い / スウィート☆レッスン / Crush from Above / 愛のしるし (マキノ)
Shoujo(G),Romance,School Life
Volume 1 Chapter 4
Ucyu no Siso Sama no Tugai ni Narushikanai!

🇯🇵Ucyu no Siso Sama no Tugai ni Narushikanai!

Chapter 1
Ue kara Kataomoi

🇫🇷Ue kara Kataomoi

君ばっかりの夏 / 上から片想い / スウィート☆レッスン / Crush from Above / 愛のしるし (マキノ)
Shoujo(G),Romance,School Life
Volume 1 Chapter 4
Ikemen Sengoku - Tenkabito no Onna ni Naru Ki wa Nai ka

🇮🇹Ikemen Sengoku - Tenkabito no Onna ni Naru Ki wa Nai ka

Ikemen Sengoku - Tenkajin no Onna ni Naru Ki wa Nai ka / イケメン戦国~天下人の女になる気はないか~
Cybird / KAJIYAMA Mika
Yoo Junhyuuk bucin dokja kim [ Haenyo ]

🇮🇩Yoo Junhyuuk bucin dokja kim [ Haenyo ]

나갈 수 없는 방에서 나가는 한 가지 방법 / one way to get out of the room you can't get out / salah satu cara untuk keluar dari ruangan yang tidak bisa keluarkan / 出られない部屋から出る1つの方法 / Junghyuuk suka sama dokja / Omniscient reader's viewpoint dj / Omniscient readers viewpoint doujinshi
ハチノミツ / honeycomb / 蜂蜜論
🇯🇵Doujinshi,Oneshot,Yaoi(BL),Smut,Action,Adaptation,Adventure,Comedy,Isekai,Romance,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Chapter 1
Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka Gaiden - Sword Oratoria

Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka Gaiden - Sword Oratoria

ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか外伝 ソード・ӝ / Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka Gaiden - Sword Oratoria
yagi takashi / oomori fujino
Chapter 41
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka Gaiden - Sword Oratoria

🇵🇹Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka Gaiden - Sword Oratoria

ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか 外伝 ソード・オラトリア / DanMachi Gaiden: Sword Oratoria / Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Sword Oratoria / 소드 오라토리아
oomori fujino / yagi takashi
Chapter 3
Itsuka Tomodachi ja Nakunaru to Shite mo

Itsuka Tomodachi ja Nakunaru to Shite mo

いつか友達じゃなくなるとしても / 就算有一天不再是朋友 / Itsuka Tomodachi jaakunaru toshitemoItsuka Tomodachi ja Nakunaru to Shitemo
kasa iuka
Shounen ai
Chapter 4
Ue kara Kataomoi

🇪🇸Ue kara Kataomoi

君ばっかりの夏 / 上から片想い / スウィート☆レッスン / Crush from Above / 愛のしるし (マキノ)
Shoujo(G),Romance,School Life
Volume 1 Chapter 4
I Bought a Beautiful Female Slave with Big Breasts for the Sake of Doing Lewd Things with Her, but She Adores Me As Her Teacher and Things Don’t Go the Way I Expected

I Bought a Beautiful Female Slave with Big Breasts for the Sake of Doing Lewd Things with Her, but She Adores Me As Her Teacher and Things Don’t Go the Way I Expected

Eroi Koto Suru Tame ni Kyonyuu Bishoujo Dorei o Katta Hazu ga, Oshishou-sama to Shitawa Rete Omotta Toori ni Ikanaku Naru Hanashi / えろいことするために巨乳美少女奴隷を買ったはずが、お師匠さまと慕われて思った通りにいかなくなる話 / Eroi Koto Suru Tame ni
Nimame Shooter / Sato 36
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Ecchi,Adaptation,Comedy,Fantasy,Gender Bender,Isekai,Magic,Slice of Life
If It’s for My Daughter, I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord

If It’s for My Daughter, I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord

うちの娘の為ならば、俺はもしかしたら魔王も倒せるかもしれない / ถ้าเพื่อลูกสาวแล้วล่ะก็ต่อให้ต้องกำจัดจอมมารผมก็จะทำ / För min dotter kanske jag till och med klarar av att besegra demonkungen / Für meine Tochter, wäre ich vielleicht sogar in der Lage den Dämonenkönig zu besiegen / For My Daughter, I Might Even Be Able to Defeat the Demon King / UchiMusume
chirolu / hota
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Action,Adventure,Cooking,Drama,Fantasy,Slice of Life
vol.[DELETED] ch.24
Hoshigami-kun wa Douka Shiteiru

Hoshigami-kun wa Douka Shiteiru

Hoshigami-kun is Weird / Something is Up with Hoshigami-kun / 星上くんはどうかしている
asada nikki
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,School Life
Volume 1 Chapter 2
Uchi no Musume no Tame Naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru Kamo Shirenai

🇷🇺Uchi no Musume no Tame Naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru Kamo Shirenai

うちの娘の為ならば、俺はもしかしたら魔王も倒せるかもしれない / ถ้าเพื่อลูกสาวแล้วล่ะก็ต่อให้ต้องกำจัดจอมมารผมก็จะทำ / Demi Anak-ku, Raja Iblis Sekalipun akan Kukalahkan / Für meine Tochter, wäre ich vielleicht sogar in der Lage den Dämonenkönig zu besiegen / For My Daughter, I Might Even Be Able to Defeat the Demon King / UchiMusume
chirolu / hota
Seinen(M),Action,Adventure,Cooking,Drama,Fantasy,Psychological,Slice of Life,Tragedy
Chapter 7
Watashi ga Koibito ni Nareru Wake Naijan, Muri Muri! (*Muri Janakatta!?)

Watashi ga Koibito ni Nareru Wake Naijan, Muri Muri! (*Muri Janakatta!?)

There's No Way I Can Have a Lover! *Or Maybe There Is? / わたしが恋人になれるわけないじゃん、ムリムリ! (※ムリじゃなかった!?)
mikami teren / musshu
🇯🇵Yuri(GL),Comedy,Romance,School Life
Chapter 34.5
Kohaikunn no Dekiai ga ゙Sugosugiru! ~ Ore no katachi oboete kuta ゙ sai ne, senpai ~

Kohaikunn no Dekiai ga ゙Sugosugiru! ~ Ore no katachi oboete kuta ゙ sai ne, senpai ~

Junior-kun's doting is too amazing! -'Please remember my shape, senior!' / 後輩くんの溺愛がスゴすぎる! ~俺のカタチ覚えてくださいね、先輩~
いなかしルや / Inakashi ruya
Chapter 1
Uchi no Musume no Tame Naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru Kamo Shirenai

🇪🇸Uchi no Musume no Tame Naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru Kamo Shirenai

うちの娘の為ならば、俺はもしかしたら魔王も倒せるかもしれない / ถ้าเพื่อลูกสาวแล้วล่ะก็ต่อให้ต้องกำจัดจอมมารผมก็จะทำ / För min dotter kanske jag till och med klarar av att besegra demonkungen / Für meine Tochter, wäre ich vielleicht sogar in der Lage den Dämonenkönig zu besiegen / For My Daughter, I Might Even Be Able to Defeat the Demon King / UchiMusume
chirolu / hota
Seinen(M),Action,Adventure,Cooking,Drama,Fantasy,Psychological,Slice of Life,Tragedy
Chapter 15
Oku-san wa Seiteiru

Oku-san wa Seiteiru

奥さんは急いている (とにかく淫らな人妻合同)
Etuzan Jakusui
Chapter 1
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka Gaiden - Sword Oratoria

🇷🇺Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka Gaiden - Sword Oratoria

ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか 外伝 ソード・オラトリア / DanMachi Gaiden: Sword Oratoria / Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Sword Oratoria / 소드 오라토리아
oomori fujino / yagi takashi
Chapter 1
Hoshigami-kun wa Douka Shiteiru

🇪🇸Hoshigami-kun wa Douka Shiteiru

Hoshigami-kun is Weird / Something is Up with Hoshigami-kun / 星上くんはどうかしている
asada nikki
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,School Life
Volume 2 Chapter 12